Saturday, September 29, 2012

The role of the wedding planner

If the bride and her family would like a stress free wedding, the best solution is to hire a wedding planner.  If the wedding is to be at an out of town/destination wedding, then dependence on a planner at the venue to which the wedding party will be traveling is a must.  If the bride and groom are planning a small intimate wedding and reception but the couple both have jobs that demand huge time commitments, a wedding planner can take the couple’s wishes and instructions and produce exactly the event they envision.

The term planner can cover a wide range of services.  In general the term refers to services provided by an individual, selected by the bride or her mother, to assist with some or all of the details involved in the planning and implementing of an error-free, stress free rehearsal, ceremony and reception.   A plus feature in hiring a wedding planner or coordinator is that the bride can decide the level of service she desires and pay only for those services.

Brides-to-be should determine the credentials of the planner they are considering.  They should check the training/certification that the planner has earned.  They should ask for references from two or three brides the planner has served and decide on the level of involvement they will require.  Maybe an initial consultation to help identify choices and set preliminary plans and schedules is enough for one couple.  Others may want a comprehensive package, which covers time and advice on all aspects of the wedding plus vendor and site negotiations.

1 comment:

  1. The engaged people have to know about the wedding planner person role. If they are using the wedding planner for their wedding. Congrats to blog post author. Those who want to plan the wedding by own, they may use the wedding planner app for iPhone will great assistant help of wedding planning.
